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Valentines Sale
Buy One ❤️ Get One 50% Off!
Valentines Sale

COVID-19 Update

We are SO happy to announce that our flagship store located in Charlotte, NC in the NoDa district, will re-open THIS SATURDAY (May 9th) at 11am! We have missed you and are so excited to serve you again! That being said, we have created some new adjustments and guidelines to keep our customers and team as safe as possible. (We know you’ve heard a million versions of these, but it’s important to know, and it’s important to us that you follow them.)

  1. We will be running a limited hours schedule until further notice.


Sunday: 11am-5pm

Monday-Thursday: 11am-6pm

Friday: 11am-7pm

Saturday: 10am-7pm

2. Social Distancing:
    • Our team members will remain behind the counter while assisting you. Rest assured we are still here to help you pick that perfect item, just from a safe distance. 😉
    • We are allowing only one customer or customer group (families, friends shopping together, etc.) in at a time
    • We will have markers taped outside the front door, to wait for the previous group to exit.
3. We are providing the full “try-on” experience, with a twist.                                                                        

After trying on a frame, we ask that you please follow these steps:

    1. Remove frames
    2. Place on designated tray (a team member will direct you)
    3. Allow us to remove the frame from the showroom so we can proceed with sanitation.
  • Each and every product will go through a multi-step sanitation process before returning to display.
  • 4. We will only be accepting credit or debit cards and ask that you swipe your own card. Receipts will be emailed, not printed. The check-out station will be disinfected after each use.
    5. Our store bathroom will be closed to the public.

    In addition to these procedures, all team members will be wearing a mask anytime there is another person inside the store. We will also be wearing gloves in which we will dispose of between each visitor. If we are adjusting your frame, rest assured we will be applying the same safety measures with equipment in the back. We will continuously be disinfecting all products, surfaces, doors and tools.

    If you request, we do have extra gloves and hand sanitizer which all customers are welcome to use for their in-store shopping experience.

    If you wish for curbside pickup or to schedule a specific time to visit the store please call us at 888-987-5359 and follow the prompts that direct you to the NoDa store.

    All shipping processes have been and will continue to run as usual.

    Lastly, we appreciate your understanding while we adjust our shopping experience to keep everyone, and our community, as safe as possible. We also appreciate you supporting our store, and our small business friends, by shopping local. We couldn’t do this without you.


    Stay safe,

    Johnny Fly


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